Team & vacancies

We want to give people the power to participate in the transition towards a world where every resource is used to its fullest potential. Our ultimate goal is to become the world’s largest biorefinery for coffee waste. With our interdisciplinary team and complementary personalities we are dedicated to make a change for the better; starting with your daily cup of coffee. We are not merely recycling coffee waste, we create value. We make products that fit your customers conscious lifestyle.


Our values are:

  • Quality
    We offer high quality natural coffee based products
  • Care for the planet
    We take care by making the most of what nature offers, closing resource loops and making sure our internal processes are environmental friendly.
  • Passion
    Our team is passionately driven to change the world for the better. We are continuously working on improving our products and services, without compromising.


Want to know more about our product or want to order a sample?